This is Em showing you her two favorite toys right now.

Click on this picture to make it bigger. I love the teeth!

Saturday was a very eventful day for the Ziegler family. My friend Jess's son Brayden and Emily are great friends. They go to daycare together and the teacher says B is always saying "Emmy next door?" in a very serious voice. He loves Emmy. Anyway, B has been going to the Little Gym for a while and asked if Em could join him on Saturday for friends and family day. How could we pass it up! Em had a great time, although B is about 10 months older, she still had fun doing wheel barrows and forward rolls. And she absolutely loved the bubbles! After Little Gym we took a drive with the Bundy's to Pena Blanca to the infamous Dixon Apple Farm. Jess and I were excited for some cider, but when we got there they were all out. So Jess and I waited in line with the kids and got 2 bags of delicious champagne apples to split between us, and Jessica's step mom and the guys waited in line for some apple fritters. The apple fritters were for the birds, but the apples themselves are awesome. They let you have an apple to sample, which went right to Em and B. They loved them! It was a really great and relaxing weekend. Here are some pictures of the kids!