We went to Phoenix for the weekend to see my Sister. Emily did Ah.may.zing. She is seriously such a good baby. On the way out there, our flight was delayed over an hour. Emily liked people watching (she is so her mother's daughter) and was fully entertained until bed time hit. She took her bottle like a champ and fell asleep in my arms (something she hasn't really done since she was much smaller.) She means business at bed time. She takes a bottle and then wants to be
laid down in her crib to go to sleep. It was so nice to snuggle with her though. We got on the plane and it was only about half way full so Em and I took a row to ourselves. I thought she would want to be
laid down, so I put some blankets down and she only slept for a few minutes. She just could not get comfortable. So I scooped her back up and she fell fast asleep again. We got in pretty late, but we
laid her down in the pack and play at my sister's house and she went down pretty easily. She had a little bit of a rough night, but it was some what expected since it was a new bed and a new environment.
Zig and I are not used to sleeping in the same room as her and she is a noisy sleeper. Usually we hear her wake up a few times a night over the monitor as she drifts in and out of sleep cycles, but we didn't want her to wake anyone else up so we would get up a few times to rub her back or put her
binky back in.
She spent the weekend hanging out with family, playing with Kiki and swimming. She adapted so well to the change in environment. She even learned to pull herself up into a sitting position. So cute! So now she rolls and sits up and rolls and sits up all day long. It has made nap time fun and we are going to have to lower the crib since she is not starting to try and pull herself up to standing. It is seriously crazy how fast she is learning new things! And she loved meeting all the new people. We hung out with my sister's fiance's family all weekend long and some of her friends and she loved all the attention. She smiled and laughed and was ::this close:: to crawling.
The trip home was just as easy. She took a bottle right when we got on the plane. Played for a little bit and the snuggled with me for the next hour home. She is just the best. It makes me so happy that she is so laid back and content with life. Makes me think we are doing something right. That's that for now!
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