*She has her two teeth that have offically broken through the gums. They seem to be taking FOREVER to come in fully though, but don't seem to be affecting Em's attitude all that much.
*She is a rolling maniac.
*She no longer sits up for long periods of time because she would rather explore the room by rolling across every square inch.
*She is almost crawling. She pulls to her hands and knees and will rock before face planting and rolling to her destination instead. She is so close though.
*She is eating better. Still prefers solid foods over purees, but overall is a very consistent eater.
*She eats 28oz a day. Usually no matter what. She somehow averages between 4 and 6 oz bottles, but always gets in 28oz.
*She is just now growing out of her 3-6 month cloths. They fit, but they are getting snug.
*She sleeps 12+ hours through the night still.
*She takes 2 long naps a day on the weekends. We are still working on longer naps at daycare, but she wants to be in on the action.
*She smiles all.the.time. Seriously, she is always smiling.
*She loves her puppies, and God bless Bodhi for being so patient with her, even when she has a giant wad of hair in her palms.
*She loves puffs and yogurt bites. She somehow manages to hide 10 in each palm, fooling us into thinking she needs more.
*Diaper changes are fun. (see first bullet above)
*She loves her new ride.
*Sippy cup=Emmy's BFF. She loves that thing and will wave her hands in excitement when it comes out.
*We put her to bed without a binky, but leave one in the crib in case she wakes up in the middle of the night, it's easy for Zig or I to find. Lately she has been finding it in the middle of the night and usually wakes up with it in. Smiles behind the binky are the best.
That's about it. She is so so much fun! She is the happiest, easy baby. We love her more than the world!
She IS amazing! I am so glad I got to hang out with you guys this weekend. It breaks my heart that I only get to see the mini-BFF's once in a while, but when I do, I cherish every second. Emily is the happiest baby on EARTH! Way to go Mom and Dad on an EXCELLENT job :o) I love you Zigs so much!!!
ReplyDeleteShe is soooo cute I just want to pinch her!