I had the nicest, most relaxing first mother's day a girl could ask for. We started the morning off by going to brunch with my mom, brother, and Rebecca at the Standard Diner. Emily was a very sweet girl and was mostly well behaved, but isn't a fan of being couped up in her car seat anymore. She really likes to look around. It won't be long before she is in a high chair and in all the action. Then I spent the afternoon planting all the veggies for my new garden boxes. I planted zuchini, cucumber, bell pepper, jalapeno, onions, 2 types of tomatoes, strawberries, romaine lettuce and basil. I am so excited to watch everything grow. Then Mom and Robert came over in the afternoon and we just sat on the front porch reveling in my husbands hard work on our front yard, which is finally finished after a few weeks of hardcore manual labor on my husband and families part, while Miss Em took a nice long nap.
Our yard looks amazing! I can't believe how awesome it turned out, well yes I can believe it because my husband is a hard worker and very talented in what he is able to do. I had no doubt that the finished product would be great. It was hard work for him, but was all worth it. Here are some pictures...
Our yard went from this...(sorry for the terrible quality, this is from Google Earth because my before pictures are on our home computer)

To this...

To this...

Awesome huh! And here are some pictures of my garden.

I love days where I can just relax with my family and thank God for all that we have been blessed with!
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