4 months ago we went from this....

To this! Em is such a ham...
This is Emily's friend Vaeda, our good friend Mike's Daughter and they are about 2 months apart. They came for a visit on Saturday afternoon. Emily just wanted to squeeze her. Poor Vaeda got rolled over a few times, but overall I think she had a fun time socializing with Emmy. It's going to be real fun when Vaeda can sit up too! When they both start to walk, then we are in trouble!
And because I am a sucker for pigtails, here is another hair do courtesy of daycare.
I am going to have to get some tiny rubber bands so I can do this at home. She looks like such a girly girl with her hair done. Even if it sticks straight up. It's almost long enough to where it won't do that for much longer. I can get over how big Em looks in these pictures though! ::wipes a tear:: Anyone know how to slow down time!??
She is such a precious blessing Michele. I can't get over how adorable she is. And, you are so right, she has grown so much and so fast!