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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How things change...

4 months ago we went from this....

To this! Em is such a ham...
This is Emily's friend Vaeda, our good friend Mike's Daughter and they are about 2 months apart. They came for a visit on Saturday afternoon. Emily just wanted to squeeze her. Poor Vaeda got rolled over a few times, but overall I think she had a fun time socializing with Emmy. It's going to be real fun when Vaeda can sit up too! When they both start to walk, then we are in trouble!

And because I am a sucker for pigtails, here is another hair do courtesy of daycare.
I am going to have to get some tiny rubber bands so I can do this at home. She looks like such a girly girl with her hair done. Even if it sticks straight up. It's almost long enough to where it won't do that for much longer. I can get over how big Em looks in these pictures though! ::wipes a tear:: Anyone know how to slow down time!??

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rocking a ponytail

Day care just sent me this as a picture message. I can only imagine what this looks like from behind with her GIANT bald spot. Haha!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We have a sitter

I took this last week and she has gotten even better at sitting up since then. She is actually a sitting rock star, but this gives you the idea. She also started this weird growling. We aren't really sure where it came from but it is comical. I'll see what I can do to get it on film. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Parent Teacher Conference

Yes they apparently have these for 5 month olds. We met with Miss Stephanie on Monday to talk about Emily's progress so far and we could not be more pleased. Miss Stephanie had nothing but amazing things to say about Emily and her time at Lil' Squirrels so far. She has quite the personality and keeps them entertained all day long. Stephanie did mention that she is very happy with how Emily is developing and that she really feels that Emily is advanced for her age (they grade them on different skill levels including how they eat, how they "communicate", how they interact with other children, physically etc). At first we were like, "sure you tell all the families this", but she was very insistent that if there was an issue she would definately communicate it because they are at such a pivotal learning stage right now, she felt that it would be important to point out areas of concern.

So here is what she had to say. Emily is awesome at putting her self to sleep. We see this at home even. We haven't even needed to do Ferber because really it's not an issue. All you have to do is give Em a blanket, or swaddle her up tight and she is out. She is even sleeping better at night. In the past 3 weeks, she has only gotten up 3 nights, and it was because she was sick. Emily is doing great eating her veggies during the day for the teachers and Stephanie was pleased at the way we chose to introduce solids into her diet (which makes me feel great because it is something that I spent a LONG time researching). So far she has had squash, green beans, and peas, and we still have sweet potatoes and carrots to try from the Stage 1 foods. She has one veggie for 4 days to make sure she doesn't have any allergies or sensitivities. After she tries all the veggies, we will try some fruits. She hasn't had any issues with any of the veggies except for the green beans the first day, but that seemed to pass because she ate the rest of her green beans like a champ. She is almost sitting up completely unassisted. She can hold a pose for quite a while now with out toppling over and she really doesn't "tripod" too much. She can hold something in her hands and just sit. I think it's so cute to see her sit up like a big girl. She rolls You have to keep an eye on her because you can turn your back and she's already all the way across the room. One of the other teachers says she thinks Em will be an early crawler. Em wants in the action and is starting to get frustrated when things are out of her reach. Emily has tons of friends, and interacts well with the other kids. She loves to hold their hands, and even get kisses from her older friends. (side note: We saw Mike, Alisha and their baby Vaeda the other day and Em just wanted to hold on to her and give big hugs. It made me so proud) They started introducing her to sign language, which I love. I have read a couple of studies that show that children who are taught sign, have a more advanced language level in the future and I think little kids signing are adorable. I took sign in college, so I know most of the words they are teaching, so we talked to Steph and decided that we would continue to work on the sign at home. We don't expect Emily to just start signing back, but we figured we can use the words now to help her in the future. She will learn things like milk, more, please, thank you, finished etc. She smiles all day long and is overall very happy. We think Emily is just precious, but it so good to hear that your baby is on track and a joy to be around. Trust me, Stephanie is not one to beat around the bush either. If there is an issue, she will let you know.

Overall, we are EXTREMELY happy with our decision to put Emily in a daycare. Again, we chose a locally owned center, not a giant chain daycare. The teachers have all been there for a long time and Miss Stephanie has been in child care for 9 years and child development for 12. Emily gets so much interaction and you can just see how much she grows developmentally everyday. She is a total social butterfly and loves seeing other kids and her friends everyday. They have helped us so much to get Emily to where she is today. They help get her on an eating schedule and help with nap time, plus they do lots of fun activities with her all day long. Things I would have never done had it just been her and I at home. They are fantastic! Sorry for the longest post ever. Just thought I would brag about my little girl a little more!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Robert got some full blown belly laughs out of Em last night. It is now my mission in life to capture them on film, because a) who doesn't like belly laughs (America's Funniest Videos here we come) and b)my daughter is so freaking cute I like to whore out her cuteness as much as possible. For some reason no one can say "boo!" quite like PawPaw though. Stay tuned...

Mother's day

I had the nicest, most relaxing first mother's day a girl could ask for. We started the morning off by going to brunch with my mom, brother, and Rebecca at the Standard Diner. Emily was a very sweet girl and was mostly well behaved, but isn't a fan of being couped up in her car seat anymore. She really likes to look around. It won't be long before she is in a high chair and in all the action. Then I spent the afternoon planting all the veggies for my new garden boxes. I planted zuchini, cucumber, bell pepper, jalapeno, onions, 2 types of tomatoes, strawberries, romaine lettuce and basil. I am so excited to watch everything grow. Then Mom and Robert came over in the afternoon and we just sat on the front porch reveling in my husbands hard work on our front yard, which is finally finished after a few weeks of hardcore manual labor on my husband and families part, while Miss Em took a nice long nap.

Our yard looks amazing! I can't believe how awesome it turned out, well yes I can believe it because my husband is a hard worker and very talented in what he is able to do. I had no doubt that the finished product would be great. It was hard work for him, but was all worth it. Here are some pictures...

Our yard went from this...(sorry for the terrible quality, this is from Google Earth because my before pictures are on our home computer)

To this...

To this...

Awesome huh! And here are some pictures of my garden.

I love days where I can just relax with my family and thank God for all that we have been blessed with!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dada and rolling

Yes, her first word was dada. It was actually dayday, but was shortened to Dada not long after. I think it is really sweet.

And she really started rolling from back to belly and belly to back consistently. She can roll across the entire room in about 10 seconds flat. No more laying her on the floor unsupervised.

Monday, May 3, 2010

My kid is an artist y'all....

Exhibit A

5 months

I can't believe Emily is already 5 months old. She is developing such a great personality. I love watching her grow everyday. Here is what Emily is up to now.
*She can put herself to sleep like a champ at bed time and nap time. I thank daycare everyday for this. I can literally swaddle her with a recieving blanket, pop in her binki (naps only) and she will pass out in seconds. We are really working on getting her to nap in her crib during the day. Right now she takes one long nap there and naps in her boppy on the bed or in her swing for her shorter naps.
*She still takes some sort of nap after every meal. Some are cat naps and she usually has one long nap a day.
*She is a blankie girl. If she starts to get fussy and rub her eyes, all she needs to go down for a nap is a blanket touching her face and sometimes her binkie. At first I was worried that she would suffocate, but we give her a light receiving blankt to hold, or I swaddle her so the blanket is touching her face some how. She will crash immediatly with her blankies. She doesn't like one over the other, any blanket will do.
*She eats 5-6 oz of milk 6 times a day. Earilier in the day she eats less, but later she can suck down a 6 oz bottle in no time.
*She can roll from tummy to back and back to belly. I love watching her flip herself over. She is really starting to like tummy time and floor time because she can decide how she wants to lay on the floor.
*She LOVES her feet. Seriously loves them. She would be so happy if she could chew on them all day long.
*She can hold her weight on her legs FOREVER! I am going to have super mom arms here soon form holding her in a standing position She loves to stand
*She can sit really well assisted and can hold herself for about a minute unassisted before she slumps over in order to put her feet in her mouth. I think is is really capable of sitting up, but would rather nom on her toes all day.
*She smiles at everything. She is usually really happy, but has her fussy moments.
*She eats oatmeal for dinner every night about 45 mins before her last bottle. She loves oatmeal. We tried to give her green beans the other night, but they upset her tummy.
*She consistently slept through the night every night last week ::knocks on wood.:: except for the night that she at the green beans. Poor little girl.
I bought a bunch of different stage 1 veggies and fruits to try over the next month. I want to get a feel for what she likes before I spend the time to make her food. Then it is game on. I am actually excited to try it out. We will try all the veggies first and for 4 days in a row to see if she has any kind of reaction. Most stage 1 foods are really low on the allergen level, but some are still gassy foods (ie. green beans). Once we have tried all the veggies, we will try fruits. By 6 months or so, I would like her to have fruit and cereal as a snack during the day and then veggie and oatmeal for dinner.
Anyway, enough talk. Let's get to the cuteness!

First bite of oatmeal. Not so sure....
This is her very serious, "I have something really important to tell you mom" face.

Sitting up like a big girl. Just seconds before she folded in half to nom on her feet.

Big girl smiles!
I am the funniest person ever!
"Excuse me mom. I am a little busy here nomming on my socks!"
Ha ha! I wonder what happend to bring on this face.
Check out that drool
This is her new favorite position as long as she has a good grasp on her toes. If not she will fling herself back in a mini tantrum till she get them again.