Seriously, it's like she decided to stop swallowing her spit. I honestly think she does it just so I will wipe her face because every time I do, she gets this huge grin on her face. She constantly has a little spit bubble drool beard. I never thought I would one day think that drool was cute...

She is super smiley these days and she is constantly cooing. I love watching her change everyday! I would say for about 90% of the day she is super happy and smiling, but the evenings she tends to have a witching hour where she is a giant grump. I love to go in her room and undo the swaddle because she just smiles and talks. She is so happy to see me after a long stretch of sleep. We had 2 nights in a row of her sleeping from 9-7 and then another night from 8-5:45. By definition, she is sleeping through the night. I love it, although I am getting used to sleeping 9 hour stretches again, which is going to make getting up at 5 for work really rough. We will see how it goes! We have been giving bottles on the weekends to try and figure out how many oz. she needs for daycare and it seems (and I hope this is true) that when she takes bottles during the day, and I just nurse her to bed, that this is when she is getting the longest stretches of sleep. Ideally I would love to put her down around 8 and then have her sleep till 7, when Zig will wake her up to feed and get her ready for daycare. I will have already been at work for an hour at that point.
I am getting some serious anxiety though because I only have less than a week and a half left of leave. Have I seriously been off work for almost 3 months! That is crazy! Our plan is for me to work from 6-4:30 Monday through Thursday and have Friday's off. Zig will take her to daycare at 7:30 and I will will pick her up at 4:30. I think its a pretty good plan...I am just praying I can get my butt out of bed that early in the morning!