amI am a serious, serious wreck. I have 6 days left before I have to go back to work. I knew it was going to be hard, just not this hard. I dreading going back to work. Not because I don't love my job, because I really do, but because I don't want to leave Emily. I am so happy with the daycare and I know she is in good hands, but I want to snuggle with her and talk to her and see her sweet little smiles. Those are MY sweet little smiles and now I have to share them with a stranger. In the beginning, I was bored, and even now we don't do a lot, but just being with her makes me happy. There are tears on my keyboard even as I type this, imagine what I am going to be like on Monday morning when I leave for the day. Break out the box of kleenex! I just don't want to miss a second of her life. It is for the best. She will make tons of friends, she will develop more quickly being around other kids and teachers, than she would if she was home with me, and she is going to get sick...but I am ok with it because in the long run, it will build her immune system and really the benefits will out weigh the occasional sniffle and cough. I am just not ready...these last 11 1/2 weeks flew by. Let's be honest, I am not wired to be a stay at home mom. It takes a special and amazing person to do that, I just know that I would get bored (and fat because I graze the pantry!) Being away will make each hour that I am with her, so much more special and counting down the minutes till I see her again, will make the day go by faster. Zig bought me this sweet little necklace for v-day that is really special. A tiny dainty ladybug. It means a lot because it reminds me of what I am working so hard for, my little little ladybug. It will help me get through the day...Thanks babe!

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