This is pretty much the latest I have been so far, aside from skipping posting a week all together. I am not going to lie, I am officially very uncomfortable. I am technically 37 weeks today (and full term by the way!), but here is to looking back to week 36. My work threw me a shower last Friday and it was awesome. We literally got everything on our registry, minus a few items that are pretty much luxury, unnecessary items any way. I have one more load of baby laundry and we are set! Everything, for the most part is put away. We knew babies needed a lot of stuff, but never did we imagine that our once open storage space would dwindle to nothing. We are packed and busting at the seams, but mostly because we could probably use to part with some of the crap that is still in our closets. The pellet stove installed and working (for the most part). We are still trying to get the hang of the thermostat and it has been in the upper 60's so the only time it really kicks on, is in the middle of the night when we are asleep.
Zig's friend Brent also threw him a diaper party last weekend and we ended up with a pretty good size assortment, which is great! We really have great friends and family. Let's be honest, our friends are our family.
As for me, I have been a big baby this last week. My hips hurts, I can no longer roll over un assisted and when she moves and kicks, it hurts. There is no room, but Emily doesn't care. She moves and stretches like she is living in a 1500 sq foot apartment, when in reality, she is in a tiny room. There is one position she is quite fond of, that when she is in it, I have shooting pains up and down my spine that literally take my breath away. Maybe they are braxton hicks contractions, I don't know, but it kills and I have to lay down for them to go away. I don't think I have any "real" contractions that I know of. Everyone tells me I will know when I do, so I will keep you posted. I am starting to get tired, but really looking forward to whats to come. Our little Emily is in the drivers seat now. She has control, let's just hope she isn't too comfortable in there. I am ready to meet my little girl!
How far along?: Technically 37 weeks today
Total weight gain: 8-9. It is still fluctuating.
Stretch marks?:Just the lonesome two some on my side. I am praying that they don't all decide to join the part right when I have this kid. It would be sad to go full term with only 2 and end up with dozens
Sleep?: Meh, I have found ways to stay confortable for a few hours on each side, but I feel bad because when I roll over, it takes a ton of effort and I end up waking everyone.
Best moment this week?:Getting all Emily's laundry done and everything put away.
Food cravings?: Nothing really. Geez, how boring.
Labor signs?: Just the back pain. I did call my doctor last week and she told me just to make sure that it goes away after I change positions. She said she would worry if it became a constant pain.
Best moment this week?:Getting all Emily's laundry done and everything put away.
Food cravings?: Nothing really. Geez, how boring.
Labor signs?: Just the back pain. I did call my doctor last week and she told me just to make sure that it goes away after I change positions. She said she would worry if it became a constant pain.
Belly button in or out?:It is in, but really shallow. I have this weird thing above my belly button though (I call it a tumor and Zig gets mad) and sometimes it sticks out depending on where is is in my tummy. It grosses me out. I pray my innie goes back to normal when this is all said and done.
What I miss: Walking without waddling. And I am counting down till I can have just one delicious dirty gin martini. And maybe a bud light while watching football on Sunday's
What I'm looking forward to: Finally meeting Emily!
These were taken last Sunday

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