We had our ultrasound yesterday, and while we didn't get to see our little girls precious face, we did get really good news. She is not as small as we thought! Emily is measuring in the 42nd percentile. Everything looks great and she looks very healthy! She is measuring 7lbs 2 oz on the u/s, but the margin of error is a pound, which is a pretty big margin considering she only weighs 7. So basically she could weigh 6lbs 2 oz or she could weigh 8, however the later is very unlikely. So that is great!
We saw the doctor today and I am only 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. That basically means nothing. I could stay 1 cm dilated up until 41 weeks, so it isn't a true sign that labor is in the near future. She did say that it appears that baby is between 0 and -1 station. Which means she is in position. She is anterior too, meaning she is not sunny side up! Whew! Doesn't really explain the back labor I am having, but whatever. She told us again this week to start timing the back pains if they don't go away by laying down, but so far, they really are not timeable. Just painful. As far as I know, I am not having any contractions and everyone I talk to says I will know, so I am just leaving it at that. She did strip my membranes, which is pretty much horrifying and something I don't want to really describe, but basically they separate the bag of water from the uterine wall and it could stimulate labor. Operative word is could. It really means nothing either. So that is where we are for now. We go back next Wednesday for our next appointment if she doesn't come before then. My doctor is the doctor on call throughout the whole holiday weekend, so it wouldn't be a bad thing if Emily came on time, because then maybe she will be there for the delivery! We love our doctor. She is seriously awesome. We did set an eviction date if Emily gets too comfortable. If she is not here by December 3rd, it will be time to induce. I pray she comes when she is ready and that it doesn't come down to an induction, but we will see.
I will never forget the look on Zig's face when she asked today about the membrane stripping and told us that it could induce labor. It was sheer panic. I think he had a little bit of anxiety as it is finally setting in that in 2 1/2 weeks at the most, we will have our little girl. My husband is going to be such an amazing father, he has nothing to worry about. I seriously got so lucky when I found him. I could not have asked for a more supportive, loving and committed person to share this experience with. I am so excited to see how we will all grow together as a family. I honestly think that he is more worried about the whole laboring process and not about actually being a father. For me, it still hasn't set in. I am not anxious about what is too come, I am not scared of labor, I am just ready. I have been preparing for well over a year and a half when we decided to embark on the crazy journey. But ask me again when the contractions start! I may tell a completely different story then!
Here are some pictures. Maybe the will be our last! I am 38 weeks 2 days in these pictures. Today I am 38 weeks 5 days! Where did the last 9 months go!

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