Huge sigh of relief. So we had a rough week last week after we got the results from my
blood work. I didn't want to write another post until we had some good news. Long story short, my betas did not double like they were supposed to and the nurse who called told me that I was likely not having a viable pregnancy and that
when I started bleeding I should go to the ER. I freaked out. My only blessing was that Jenn, Dan and Ryan came in town over the weekend and all of our families kept me from thinking about it too much. The bitch nurse scheduled a follow up u/s for today, and my
BFF nurse Pamela who called and consoled me Friday said that if it was a viable pregnancy we would see a heartbeat or at least a fetal pole today. Well, guess what...we saw both! It was so amazing. Baby is just a tiny blob on the screen, but seeing that tiny
heart beating was
indescribable. Today we were measuring 6w6d, however my doctor is keeping our due date based on my
LMP, so I am
officially 7w3d pregnant! We are not out of the clear yet, but seeing that heartbeat made it real. So for your viewing pleasure, here is Baby
Zig!!!! The picture didn't scan all that great. The angle shows both baby and the yolk sac, so the u/s tech added some arrows. How cool!

Also, here is what baby is up to, or will be up to by the end of the week!

"Baby's brain -- both hemispheres! -- is growing fast, generating about 100 new cells every minute. Arms and legs are emerging as joints start to form, and a permanent set of kidneys (baby's third!) is now in place. "
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