"Growing like crazy, baby is starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks and chin. Those little hands and feet- still webbed like paddles- might wiggle by week's end, the heart is beating (almost twice as fast as yours!), and blood is starting to circulate"
I had stopped spotting, but started up again on Saturday and needless to say, I had a mini breakdown. I can't explain why I get myself so worked up about this. I think had we gone to the u/s on Thursday and seen more than we did, I would be fine, but since we didn't I freaked out. Zig was out of town and so was my mom, so I was very grateful for Mom and Robert. They kept me company and kept my mind from running to every possible negative situation. Also to my book club girls, with out even knowing it, they made me feel so much better(although it could have had something to do with the delcious fondue we ate too!)
I did talk to the doctor on call and she said that I should not be worried, it could be from a number of things from the fact that I had an ultra sound last week, to maybe the embryo has finally implanted and that can cause some spotting. She said as long as it is not heavy and I have no cramping, I should just relax. I spoke to my new BFF Pamela, who is my doctors nurse, this morning and she ordered some bloodwork for me to do. Apparently my doctor is off this week, what luck, but Pamela said she wouldn't do an u/s till next week anyway. The blood work is to test my Hcg level, basically the "pregnancy hormone." For the first few weeks you are pregnant, these bad boys will double every 48 hours, and then at some point they level off. So I went this afternoon for my first test, then I will go back on Wednesday for my second just to make sure everything is doubling like it is supposed to. So I should know more on Wednesday. She said to just keep an eye on the spotting (which continues today) and relax! If I am in fact going to have a m/c there is nothing I can do to stop it. I am staying optimistic, we are still in this game! I am not giving up this easily and this baby is MINE to keep...Anyway, please keep us in your prayers!
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