Hey guys, I have a 2 1/2 year old. WHAT!!?? My first little has been in our lives for 2 1/2 years. Crazy! She is so much fun, but definitely a toddler. She makes us laugh one minute, and makes us want to tear our hair out the next. She is a total light switch, but we are lucky that the laughing happens a lot more than the hair pulling. She says the FUNNIEST, most crazy things these days. And she hears everything. EVERYTHING, so we really have to what we say now. She is very quick to point out when we let an "adult" word slip.
Here are a couple of things Emmy says that is always sure to get a laugh out of us.
- Don't for get the Scrum Screen! (aka sun screen).
- What are we haaaaving?-Said every night at dinner when she climbs up into her chair.
- Gee Whiz guys!
- I wuv you Mommy, and I wuv you Daddy, and I like baby Sister.....No wait, I WUV her.
- If you ask her what she wants for dinner, her response will ALWAYS be "Mac-n-cheese"
- When we were potty training we used to bribe her with "special lotion." Every night now, after she goes potty for the last time, washes her hands and climbs in bed she will ALWAYS say "Daddy...you fergot the special lotion! Silly!"
- She likes to repeat Zig and I's conversations in the car to her buddies. The other night, we drove by a house that is for sale in our area and Zig said "Wow, look at those windows! Those are great. They are the most efficient windows you can buy." She repeated the entire conversation back to her buddies in the silliest, most serious voice.
- I wuv you guys both
- What's-a-dis? -What's this. Said about everything.
- I want to get deowwwn-said with a southern twang every night at dinner.
- Hey, what's the big idea guys!-Thank you Donald Duck.
- Mommy, I love this Ketchup! It is beautiful! It is yellow like the sun!-referring to mustard.
- Man down!-said one day when Howie fell off the couch
Emmy is my perfect helper. I no longer have to holler at the dogs to stop barking, Emmy takes care of that for me. She carries Sophia's bottle bag into school every morning. She refers to it as her "satchel". She likes to pull her stool over to look at Sophia in her crib and watch me give her baths and change her diaper.
Here are some other Emmy stats:
- She weighs 26 lbs. I swear Sophia is going to surprise her in the weight category any day now.
- She has a huge belly, but teenie tiny waist. She wears 2 T clothes and still only size 5 shoes.
- She is really into matching these days. She is constantly telling us this matches that. She loves to match her bowl with her spoon and she will very quickly tell me that she does not want to wear her purple shoes because they don't match her pink skirt.
- She knows all her primary colors and can identify them if you ask.
- She knows basic shapes
- She can count past 20 and I think past 10 in Spanish. There are seriously things she knows that we have yet to discover. Thank you Steph!
- She is very independent. She loves to do things by herself.
- She has mastered the big girl cup and now gets milk for breakfast, lunch and dinner, only in a big girl cup. Since she has access to her water all day, we try and keep that in a sippy.
- She loves her family and she tells us with out prompting at least 5 times a day. Melts my heart every time!
- She can hold full conversations and can follow really complex commands (ie can you go into sisters room and get me X?
- She loves her buddies. They are multiplying like rabbits. It's nuts. She is also obsessed with pillow pets.
- She is doing great with potty training. She does have accidents, I won't lie, but we seriously can't complain. The accidents are totally normal for her age. As she continues to develop, they will be few and far between.
- She can throw a mean tantrum. Seriously. Crazy, out of nowhere, tantrum city.
- She loves to swim! She is going to be my water baby in the summer. She asks at least daily if she can go swimming and Noni's house. We have her enrolled in lessons starting Saturday. She is already very comfortable in the water, so I think she will pick up on it pretty quickly.
I know I say this every time I update on Emmy, but seriously, this is my favorite age. Her imagination is so much fun and she says the best things! We just love our sweet Emmy. Toddler tantrums and all.
Here are some pictures of our sweet girl! Some are from the camera, some from the phone, and some from Instagram.
Giving Uncle Rich a big hug showing how proud she is of him! |
My sweet girls |
Rocking out on her new scooter |
Patio at Kelly's! |
Big helper! |
Likes to dress herself |
Said to Steph will taking this "Does this look Awesome?" |
Love how happy she is! |
Water monkey |
Arrgh matey! |
With Cousin Livi |
She loves her Aunt Koley! |
Monkey slippers! |
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