These last 3 months have been awesome. We are really coming together as a family of 4 and I am really enjoying it. Sophia is a super easy baby. Personality wise, at this age, she reminds me a lot of Emmy. She is very calm still. Pretty much never cries. If she does, it's because she is tired and wants to be put to bed. Like Emmy, she really isn't big on being held while she is napping.
I knew I should have knocked on wood when I hit publish on my last post, but o'well. Sophia started waking again to eat at night. Honestly, it really isn't even that big of a deal. She typically wakes up between 3-4, eats for about 10 minutes and goes right back to bed. I actually love that time with her. The house is quiet, and everything is so peaceful. There are many nights that I just sit there staring at her. She is so beautiful.
Sophia is finally at school full time, beginning about a week ago. I stressed a lot about getting the girls, and myself ready, and getting to work on time, but it really hasn't been a problem. I wake up at about 6, sneak in and dream feed Sophia, pump and do my make-up (Thank you hands free pumping bra), fix my hair, wake Emmy and get her ready and fed. Once Emily is almost done eating I go up and wake Sophia up and get her ready for school. We are out the door at about 7:20 or so. It's going really well so far.
Here is what Sophia has been up to this month:
- She talks a ton! She is constantly chatting with anyone who will listen.
- She smiles a ton, although you wouldn't know it from the 3 month pictures I took. We used to have to really work for smiles out of Emmy, but Sophie gives them up easy.
- She is filling out her 3 month clothes and they are actually starting to get a little tight. She wears size 1 diapers, but I think the next box I buy will be 2.
- Based on my home scale, she weighs about 13 lbs, 7 oz. She eats really well.
- She takes 3 bottles a day while she is at school They # of oz. varies per bottle, but she pretty much eats 15 oz, by the time I pick her up. She nurses in the morning and one of two times before bed, which is usually no later than 7:30. She actually gets fussy if we don't have her swaddled and in bed by 7:45. She usually nurses one more time in the middle of the night.
- We are working on floor time and lots of tummy time, but she really likes sitting up if she is awake. She has good head control right now.
- She takes a nap pretty much after every feeding.
- Her left tear duct is still clogged, but the right isn't anymore. I am hoping the left one opens up here soon!
- She loves her hands. She is constantly putting them in her mouth and holding them together. She REALLY wants to suck her thumb, but is easily soothed with a pacifier.
- She is a master swaddle breaker. I kind of wonder if that is why she is waking at night. She gets an arm halfway out and then gets frustrated. We may try ditching it this weekend, but then again, I don't want her to get used to that thumb of hers. I know its a great way to self soothe, but it's a habit I really don't want to have to break later.
- We took her swimming for the first time this last weekend and she LOVED it. That really doesn't surprise me too much, because she also LOVES bath time.

We are really loving our time with Sophia and getting to know her more and more each day. Here are some pictures from the month.