Here is a little bit about our little girl this month.
- She weighs 11lbs 3 oz and is 22 inches long. She is in the 50th percentile for height and weight. WOOT!
- She wears size 1 diapers and 3 month clothes. It was so bitter sweet packing up the NB clothes.
- She eats about 5 times during the day and sometimes cluster feeds during the evening.
- She eats 4.5-5oz from a bottle. This is crazy to me. Emmy didn't start drinking more than 4 oz till she was older and when she had dropped a feeding. I am so proud of my growing girl.
- She is getting much better at drinking bottles. She'd obviously rather nurse, so sometimes its hard to get her to take a bottle from me, but she is getting there. We had been giving her one bottle a day, before bed, but now that she is starting school, I will probably go back to nursing at this feed.
- She sleeps 11 hours straight at night. Yes, you read that right! She sleeps amazing! She started sleeping through the night around 5 weeks. She will very rarely wake up to nurse. Amazing! Emmy did the same thing, but started waking again when I went back to work because I think she hit a growth spurt.She usually naps for about an hour or so after each feeding.
- She is meeting all the milestones for her age. She smiles, coos, and is starting to chuckle. I love her sweet little smile.
- She loves baths. She could sit in there all day long if I let her.
- Her tear ducts are still clogged, which sucks. If there are still clogged at a year, she may have to have surgery, so say a prayer they unclog here pretty quickly!
- She is hit or miss with the paci. I think now that she is awake more, she may take to it, but if she never does, o' well. I like it because I think it helps with the self soothing, but we will see!
- She started her transition to school this week and it is going really well so far. She truly is an easy baby!!
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First day of school |
Yay Sophia!