Everything is looking great with Baby! I went in for another u/s yesterday because I started spotting a little bit again, and my morning sickness seemed to go away almost completly yesterday. I called the doctor and explained what was happening to keep her in the loop and she said she wanted to do another u/s just to see how close my subchronic bleed was to closing. She said she wasn't really worried that anything was wrong since we had already seen and heard the heartbeat, but it was still good to check in on how everything was going. Who was I to argue? It just means I get to see the baby again! My bleed is still there but closing, which is pretty normal apparently.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 12 weeks
Size of baby: According to the Bump, the size of a plum.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: -3 :(
Maternity Clothes: Not yet.
Gender: Don't know yet, but we will find out. Probably not for another month and a half though
Movement: Nothing yet, but hopefully soon!
Sleep: Really good so far!
What I miss: Being able to eat and enjoy food-same. I really miss food.
Cravings: I don't crave anything in particular, but I am wanting salty things more and more latly
Symptoms: Still really lazy and sick, but getting much better. ::knock on wood::
Best moment this week:Seeing the baby again!
In Emily news, she has been really talking up a storm. She was singing part of her abc's last night, which was super cute. She loves to sing. She has also been singing "no more monkeys jumping on the bed", but it comes out "ma ma monkeys bonked his HEAD." She picks everything up so quickly. I just love her so much.
Here's a picture of her, because she is so stinkin cute!
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