Not a whole lot going on this week to report. Just working away and growing a baby.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 13 weeks
Size of baby: According to the Bump, the size of a peach!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Not sure, my scale ran out of batteries this week. That may be a good thing
Maternity Clothes: Not really, but I wear them by preference. My clothes still fit but the stretchy waste of mat pants, come 2:30 or so is much appreciated by my bloat.
Gender: Don't know yet, but we will find out. Probably not for another month and a half though
Movement: Nothing yet, but my friend let me borrow her doppler and I definitly felt something "kick" when I was listing for the heartbeat. Nothing consistent though. It was like s/he kicked the doppler directly. Seems crazy to have felt anything this early, but they say the second time around you may feel kicks earlier because you know what you are looking for. It was like a pop and I don't think I would have felt it had it not been right where the doppler was. Meh. We will see.
Sleep: It's ok.I really want to sleep on my stomach, but my tummy feels so full all the time, it is just really uncomfortable.
What I miss: Being able to eat and enjoy food-same. I really miss food.
Cravings: I don't crave anything in particular, but I am wanting salty things more and more latly
Symptoms: Things have gotten much better this week, but I still feel queasy sometimes and I am still pretty tired in the early evening.
Best moment this week:Hearing the heartbeat on the home doppler! It was pretty fast still. According to old wives tales, a fast heartbeat means girl. We will have to see if it slows down, or if the old wives tale is true here shortly!!
I may have to start my weekly pictures here soon. I feel much bigger this go round, compared to Emily. For comparison reasons, though I may just start at 15 weeks. Then we can do side by sides. :)
Monday, August 29, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Semi Wordless Wednesday
Let me preface this post by saying the Emily has always had this weird obsession with touching things to her nose. Usually anything that is soft, immediately goes to her nose. It's like her comfort thing. She has done it since she was a baby and it is adorable.
Until today..."This flower smells amazing"
"Hey, where did my flower go?"
Ahh who am I kidding. It's still pretty freaking cute. Let's just hope she doesn't pull what my sister did when we were little and put bean bag beads up her nose! And the baby's nose. True story. I am still traumatized!
Until today..."This flower smells amazing"
"Hey, where did my flower go?"
Ahh who am I kidding. It's still pretty freaking cute. Let's just hope she doesn't pull what my sister did when we were little and put bean bag beads up her nose! And the baby's nose. True story. I am still traumatized!
Friday, August 19, 2011
12 weeks
Everything is looking great with Baby! I went in for another u/s yesterday because I started spotting a little bit again, and my morning sickness seemed to go away almost completly yesterday. I called the doctor and explained what was happening to keep her in the loop and she said she wanted to do another u/s just to see how close my subchronic bleed was to closing. She said she wasn't really worried that anything was wrong since we had already seen and heard the heartbeat, but it was still good to check in on how everything was going. Who was I to argue? It just means I get to see the baby again! My bleed is still there but closing, which is pretty normal apparently.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 12 weeks
Size of baby: According to the Bump, the size of a plum.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: -3 :(
Maternity Clothes: Not yet.
Gender: Don't know yet, but we will find out. Probably not for another month and a half though
Movement: Nothing yet, but hopefully soon!
Sleep: Really good so far!
What I miss: Being able to eat and enjoy food-same. I really miss food.
Cravings: I don't crave anything in particular, but I am wanting salty things more and more latly
Symptoms: Still really lazy and sick, but getting much better. ::knock on wood::
Best moment this week:Seeing the baby again!
In Emily news, she has been really talking up a storm. She was singing part of her abc's last night, which was super cute. She loves to sing. She has also been singing "no more monkeys jumping on the bed", but it comes out "ma ma monkeys bonked his HEAD." She picks everything up so quickly. I just love her so much.
Here's a picture of her, because she is so stinkin cute!
Monday, August 15, 2011
How awesome is this...

This is the weekly menu for Emily this week. I am so happy with the food choices Steph has made for her. This is SO worth the $2 a day, I tell you what. It is a far cry from what we were packing her ::cough cough quesadillas, chicken nuggets etc:: We still fed her really healthy but now she is getting to eat much more balanced meals and exploring unique food options. Best thing is, she eats it! A lot of it. Sometime 2 or 3 extra servings of it. I think it REALLY helps that all the kids are eating the same thing too. Now we just need to work on balancing out dinner. Since the thought of food makes me gag, our dinners have not been the best, but hopefully the sickness is on the way out and I can get back in the kitchen!
Friday, August 12, 2011
20 months and 11 weeks!
I cannot believe that my baby is closer to being 2 than being a tiny squishy baby, which brings giant tears to my eyes. She is so much fun these days though. We really were blessed with an amazing little girl. She has tons of words, which she uses constantly. Most we understand, some we don't. Sometimes she will go off on a tangent of mumbled words and we just have to laugh. She is great about putting sentences together and asking for what she wants. Some of my favorite phrases she says these days are "ready, set, go!", "Chill out","I love you" (of course), "Bodhi...Abby...Where are you?" followed "There you are", "Where'd____go?." There are a ton more that I am probably forgetting to. She also tries to sing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song, which is adorable.
She has mastered the tantrum, and if she does not want to do something, she won't. We are working on that, but she definitly has her Mommy's stubborness. She is very snuggly these days and has settled into a great night time routine. Which is done soley by Zig these days, BLESS HIM. I am a mess, but I really do love reading to her at night. She just snuggles in and then it's lights out after the book. She is really in Dr. Suess these days, which is fun for us too.
Things are going AMAZING at Steph's too. They go on lots of fun fieldtrips, she sends me at least 3 pictures a day, and Emily is seeming to really enjoy it. They do lots of fun activities and I am SUPER happy with the amazing food choices she is giving to Emily. She is very into organic foods, and all her meals are super balanced. This month they are learning about the Ocean. They went fishing at Tingly park, and have done lots of fun activities. We were really lucky to have been included in Stephanie's plan.
Now to baby. I am officially 11 weeks. We saw the doctor two weeks ago and things went well. They changed my due date to 3/1, based on my first ultrasound. My last doctor ended up moving to a practice in Rio Rancho, which was heartbreaking, but my new one seems really nice. I don't see her again until 9/2, but at my appointment she pulled out a portable u/s machine and we got to see the baby again. Everything seems to be progressing perfectly. My friend actually purchased a doppler and let us borrow it to see if we could find the heartbeat ourselves, since the doctor said it was still early to check at my last appointment. It took me a while but we heard it last night. It was really faint, but it was a home doppler and the booklet even said it wasn't meant to be used prior to 12 weeks so that is good.
My morning sickness was not so bad until about a week ago. Before I had just felt "hungover," but recently I have been sick every single day since last Friday. I hate getting sick. I can't remember if it is the same or worse with Emily. With Em I think I had a lot of dry heaving (gross, I know), but this time I actually get sick. However with Emily, I could not eat anything. At least with this baby, I am able to eat. Keeping it down is another story.
I guess I am going to continue to do these survey's like with Emily. I may have to start taking some pictures soon too because I am rocking a beer gut of bloat already. Awesome.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 11 weeks
Size of baby: According to the Bump, the size of a lime.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: -5 :(
Maternity Clothes: Not yet.
Gender: Don't know yet, but we will find out.
Movement: Nothing yet.
Sleep: Not bad.
What I miss: Being able to eat and enjoy food.
Cravings: Absolutely nothing. Food is gross.
Symptoms: Extremely lazy and really sick.SADFACE
Best moment this week:Getting excited to be out of the first tri so the baby is no longer a secret and then maybe that means my morning sickness is almost over!
I leave you with some of the pictures Steph sent me through out the last few weeks of Emily's adventures!
Playing with cornstarch
Potty time!
Driving the rescue truck, Mr. Mike, Steph's husband is a fire fighter
First time fishing. Yes, they all got in the water. Awesome!
She has mastered the tantrum, and if she does not want to do something, she won't. We are working on that, but she definitly has her Mommy's stubborness. She is very snuggly these days and has settled into a great night time routine. Which is done soley by Zig these days, BLESS HIM. I am a mess, but I really do love reading to her at night. She just snuggles in and then it's lights out after the book. She is really in Dr. Suess these days, which is fun for us too.
Things are going AMAZING at Steph's too. They go on lots of fun fieldtrips, she sends me at least 3 pictures a day, and Emily is seeming to really enjoy it. They do lots of fun activities and I am SUPER happy with the amazing food choices she is giving to Emily. She is very into organic foods, and all her meals are super balanced. This month they are learning about the Ocean. They went fishing at Tingly park, and have done lots of fun activities. We were really lucky to have been included in Stephanie's plan.
Now to baby. I am officially 11 weeks. We saw the doctor two weeks ago and things went well. They changed my due date to 3/1, based on my first ultrasound. My last doctor ended up moving to a practice in Rio Rancho, which was heartbreaking, but my new one seems really nice. I don't see her again until 9/2, but at my appointment she pulled out a portable u/s machine and we got to see the baby again. Everything seems to be progressing perfectly. My friend actually purchased a doppler and let us borrow it to see if we could find the heartbeat ourselves, since the doctor said it was still early to check at my last appointment. It took me a while but we heard it last night. It was really faint, but it was a home doppler and the booklet even said it wasn't meant to be used prior to 12 weeks so that is good.
My morning sickness was not so bad until about a week ago. Before I had just felt "hungover," but recently I have been sick every single day since last Friday. I hate getting sick. I can't remember if it is the same or worse with Emily. With Em I think I had a lot of dry heaving (gross, I know), but this time I actually get sick. However with Emily, I could not eat anything. At least with this baby, I am able to eat. Keeping it down is another story.
I guess I am going to continue to do these survey's like with Emily. I may have to start taking some pictures soon too because I am rocking a beer gut of bloat already. Awesome.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 11 weeks
Size of baby: According to the Bump, the size of a lime.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: -5 :(
Maternity Clothes: Not yet.
Gender: Don't know yet, but we will find out.
Movement: Nothing yet.
Sleep: Not bad.
What I miss: Being able to eat and enjoy food.
Cravings: Absolutely nothing. Food is gross.
Symptoms: Extremely lazy and really sick.SADFACE
Best moment this week:Getting excited to be out of the first tri so the baby is no longer a secret and then maybe that means my morning sickness is almost over!
I leave you with some of the pictures Steph sent me through out the last few weeks of Emily's adventures!
Playing with cornstarch
Potty time!
Driving the rescue truck, Mr. Mike, Steph's husband is a fire fighter
First time fishing. Yes, they all got in the water. Awesome!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It has taken me nearly 2 weeks to write this post. On Wednesday, July 27th, 2011, we lost Dad to cancer. Only 5 short days after we moved him into our home. Jenn, Zig's sister also moved in with us the Saturday before and we really enjoyed spending those last few days with Dad as a family. He is in a much much better place and he didn't suffer, but it is still hard. I grew up with out a father. In one day, my wedding day, I gained 2, Dad and Zig's step dad Robert. I was a lucky girl, and then 4 short years later I lost one, too soon. It breaks my heart knowing I will never be able to give him another hug, or tell him I love him, even though I know he knows I did very much.
Dad-You were such an amazing guy. You lived your life to the fullest. You were a good man. You always had a smile on your face. And you loved us all unconditionally. I love you so much and I am going to miss you with all my heart. You were probably one of my most loyal blog followers, and it makes me so sad that you won't get to see this post, but I know you know that I will think about you everyday and I will see you again one day. Maybe not soon, but one day. I can't wait!
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