*Weighs 22 lbs 4 oz and is 31.5 inches long. She gained 2 1/2 lbs and grew 2 1/4 inches in the last 3 months. That is huge since she hadn't gained any weight between 12 and 15 months. She is a total chunker and has become a pretty good eater especially if we give her pasta or "pizza" (cheese quesadilla with veggies. No clue why, but she thinks tortillas=pizza)
*Still in the same sizes for clothes(12&18), shoes (4) and diapers(4).
*Lives to be outside. If she hears you open the sliding glass door she comes running. This last weekend she literally spent the entire day outside, other than her nap. And she absolutely loves her new outdoor toys (sandbox, water table and cozy coup)
*Says "meet you" and shakes your hand if you tell her "it's nice to meet you"? Freaking adorable.
*Would spend hours in the bath tub if you let her.
*Is pretty good about saying please and thank you. Better about please, but if you ask her to say thank you she will right away. She even said "welcome" the other day after I told her thank you.
*Still very into playing with babies. She loves to feed them, hug them, kiss them, and put them night night.
*Knows and can say all the names of the kids in her class and even in other classes.
*She knows and for the most part can say all the names of her family members. If she can't say it, she definitely knows who they are and will point to them. We are still working on Grandma (Zig's mom) and Auntie Koley (she says Kole). My new favorite is how she says Uncle Bob. She just points and says Bob, very matter of factly.
*She runs everywhere and plays so good with the other kids. We spent time with our friend Brayden and she just thinks he hung the moon.
*She loves her daddy and loves it when he kisses her neck and tickles her. I swear she has a huge smile on her face any time she is around him and constantly giggles and squeels with delight.
*Still goes to bed at 7, but since we stopped with the paci, she will talk to herself and her animals for a good half hour before she goes to bed. When she wakes up she will talk to herself for a while, which I used to let her do, until I went in on Saturday and noticed she started chewing on her crib. Not good. She seems to enjoy that alone time though, so I put a rail guard on for her. I will just remember to check the monitor and see what she is up too every so often.
She is just so much fun to be around. I know I say it every month, but this age may be one of my favorites. :)
And this is what our sun has looked like for the past few days. It is so smokey here from the fire in AZ. We haven't been able to go out and play. It's werid. It's nice during the day and then as soon as we get home, the smoke rolls in.
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