The spray bottle. Let me preface this a bit. I call it a pet peeve, but in reality it is something that
annoys the hell out of me. Like extreme pet peeve, that I can't control. It is stupid and I wish I could just get over it but I can't. Since becoming pregnant, the annoyance has
escalated. What is this annoyance...Dog's licking and I don't mean dogs licking their crotches, I mean dogs licking any part of their body period. The noise is awful! It makes my skin crawl just talking about it and I have been known to leave a room in someones dog is licking themselves in my presence. That is if I am not comfortable enough with the owners to force their dog to stop. Big dogs, even worse. So,
Bodhi lately has developed a very very bad habit of licking his paws. He doesn't lick till he gets a hot spot, thankfully, he just licks out of lack of anything better to do. It has evolved into him nervously biting his nails as well. I used to be able to call his name and he would quit. Then, if I touched him, he would stop. Now I have to violently shake him to make him stop and then we fight about it. He will pretend to bite (obviously non-
Bodhi is seriously the greatest dog ever) but he thinks he is above me in our family, and at times he probably is.
Bodhi has me wrapped around his finger. It has gotten to the point where it wakes me up in the middle of the night and if he is all the way on the
other side of the bed I will crawl over
Zig to make him stop. This does not make
Zig happy. So, enter the water bottle. The glorious thing about it is I don't even have to squirt
Bodhi, all I have to do is take it out and set it on the bed and he will stop. If he starts licking, all we have to do is touch the bottle.
Bodhi has water bottle radar. It's weird because we have never used this as a training device before, so I have no clue how he knows that if he does something, and gets the squirt, that he is in trouble. Last night he was licking and it woke me up. I merely touched the water bottle and he was up on his feet in seconds. It's funny
because he almost apologizes to me when I am forced to touch the bottle. He will come up and snuggle with me as if to say sorry. I love that little guy. Problem is, I wish he would get to the point where he wouldn't lick at night. I hate waking up. He has a good 9 hours to do it while I am gone, I pray he eventually breaks the habit.
Abby on the other time has no clue. She will occasionally lick and I feel that if I make Bodhi stop, it's only fair to make her stop too. I laugh every time I squirt her because she just stares up in the air as if to say "What was that?" She looks around for a bit, and will just continue on. Sometimes I squirt her a couple times in a row and then she just runs up and licks my face. My poor little mama. She is just clueless!
Just some thing funny I thought I would share.
How funny! Maddie does that too and I also hate that sound - it sends me into an immediate rage which Jason thinks is hilarious! Argh. Maddie and Bailey were also quickly conditioned to the mist bottle - when they see me pull that green bottle out, they haul ass for the doggie door! :) Let's plan a Griego family reunion soon!
ReplyDeleteAs I was looking through your old posts (noticing that I look more pregnant in MAY than you do in JULY...bitch!)I saw this post. I laugh, because you sound just like Ryan! He HATES it when the dogs lick and I get so mad at him when he tries to make them stop. They don't make us stop showering! They are just cleaning themselves! But I will say, it has gotten a little annoying since the pregnancy. Tell little Bods he can come lick at my house all he wants :o)