Today I am officially 16 weeks 3 days. We will probably continue to do picture updates on Saturdays because Zig leaves for work before I am even up and out of bed to take pictures when my week actually turns.
This week was a very busy week work wise, but a good week pregnancy wise. I still eat really small meals, but the number of things that actually sound appetizing are growing and I am experimenting a little more. I have a major sweet tooth, but its good because I can easily satisfy it with fruit. That's the good is where I start my complaining. :) Ever since I went to Phoenix and had to walk that huge rental car place and airport in my high heels my back has been KILLING me, so I am officially wearing flats. If anyone knows where I can find a cute dressy pair of flat open toed shoes that don't go between my toes PLEASE let me know. My work has this dumb policy and I swear these type of shoes don't exist unless I want to look like Jesus (which is not a bad thing Jesus, it's just I don't know that a pair of Jesus sandals will look all that great with dress pants either). I can still fit in my work pants, but apparently since I wear 5 inch heels every day to work, all my pants are miles to long and there is no way I am going to hem them just for the next few months, so I have been trying to find black dressy maternity pants that are short (these also don't exist). Why is it when you aren't pregnant and you accidentally move into the maternity section at Target you find a ton of cute things, but when you are pregnant nothing looks all that great? I can't find dress pants anywhere! Someone should have told me that when you are pregnant in the middle of summer all you are allowed to wear are dresses and capri pants (which by the way, capri's are a no no at work too). I did find some cute black pants at Motherhood maternity last week, but they have to be hemmed (Thanks Mommy for the midget genes you passed on to me and that I will likely pass on to my child). I have just been so swamped at work I haven't taken them to get hemmed. Oh and here is a tip for pregnant people, before you go to Motherhood and pay $30 for a maternity shirt, go to Forever 21 first. I swear, I found a shirt at Motherhood that I purchased about 3 months ago at Forever 21 and I paid about $15 less. Yes, their stuff is cheap, but there is no reason to spend a fortune on clothes these days. Seriously. I went to Forever 21 yesterday and got about 10 shirts that will last me at least through for the next few months and paid maybe $100. And back to the good news again...I found a pair of petite black dress pants at Motherhood yesterday! Woot woot! No more looking homeless with my rolled up pants and illegal black flats (aka dressy flip flops) this week. Now I just need to work on the flats!
OK, no more are some pictures for you guys! Who knew oranges were smaller than avocados. I am guessing it is based on weight this week?

"Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender. "
And here are some belly pics. I don't see much difference. I am going to have to have Zig zoom in a little bit more and start taking the pictures length wise. That may help.

Our next appointment is the 24th and we will schedule our big ultrasound then. I am hoping we get to find out the first week in July. Cross your fingers!
I have that problem EVERY time I go to Target. Last time I actually picked up something to try on and carried it around until finally realizing, oh wait I'm not pregnant lol.
ReplyDeleteYou are still so tiny! Love it! It's Adrienne (your mother) by the way. Around 20 weeks you will just pop! At least that is when I did. I was like "I still don't look preggo, just chubbo" and then one day BOOM, there was the baby belly. I can't wait to hear what you are having! We have a blog as well, but I have it private for the time being. Email me at adriennejoyweeks (at) gmail (dot) com if you're interested in reading it. Ha. Miss you!!