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Monday, June 29, 2009

It's a girl!

Today was a crazy day, but one of the greatest days of my life. We are having a little girl and we could not be more excited. Even Zig, though he wanted so bad for his first to be a boy and to carry on the family name, melted with joy when he found out and has been talking about his daughter ever since. I have quite a few pictures from the ultrasound today, but I have to wait for Zig to scan them in for us. It was so crazy to see the difference from the last ultrasound we had when we were only 7 weeks. She was a little stubborn at first which resulted in the u/s tech stabbing me in the gut with her wand thing a million times and shaking me almost off the table, but it was worth it to see her kick and move around. I no longer worry about Bodhi trampling all over us, after today I am thinking my tummy is more resilient than I thought. I can't wait till I can feel her moving and kicking around. Now the fun part begins...setting up the nursery! We found 2 cribs that we really like, we just need to tape them out in our guest room to see which one fits the best and which one we like the most. In the mean time, we are working on names.
Anyone have any suggestions? We have had a boys name picked out for about 5 years, but never really thought of girl's names...

Also today, one of my very best friend's, Cissy and Brad's, son decided to finally make his appearance. I can't wait to go see him tomorrow!

S o here is a belly picture for this week and what our little girl is up too. By the way, this picture representing how big the baby is is just plain horrifying. Could they not be comparing my sweet little girl to a giant hairy sweet potato. I mean, come on! Creepy! I am 18w 3d!

"Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon. "

Pardon my hair too! Dear lord, I look a little rough. This humidity in NM is freaking killing me! I am still waiting till I really pop. I still look like I have had too many seconds on dessert!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Umm...This bitch is crazy

Pardon my language, but WHAT????

"The woman who gave birth to 69 children
Mrs Vassilet (1816-1872) holds that record and she deserves it! This Russian lady was the first wife of Fyodor Vassilet, a farmer from Shuya, and went through no less than 27 pregnancies! But the most impressive fact is that she had twins 16 times, triplets 7 times and 4 times quadruplets, which brings us to a total of … 69 children!
And, what is even more impressive, the majority of them lived up to their adult age, which wasn’t that common in those times. "

Seriously, I know there was not birth control back then, but this is just nuts! What are the chances that she would get pregnant with multiples 27 times! I thought this was a pretty crazy statistic and that I would share it with you. This lady must have been some kind of crazy nympho. She puts that crazy Duggar lady to shame!

The big u/s is scheduled!

That's right people, in 5 short days, we will know what were are having! Yep, Monday at 4 is the big day. We are so excited. Everything went great at our appointment today. We ended up doing the genetic screening for downs and neural tubal defect. We debated about this for weeks, but I ended up getting the bloodwork done last week. At first we were hesitant to get it done. I have heard that those tests come back with lots of false positives and we didn't want to worry ourselves. We would never terminate anyway, so we didn't see the point. If God wants us to have a special needs baby and he thinks we are strong enough then so be it. The other side of me (the planner) thought even though we wouldn't terminate, we would still want to be prepared when the baby gets here if something was wrong. Plus, I am such a worrier as it is, I think I would have worried for the next 23 weeks about whether or not things were ok. While we would have seen some signs at our next u/s, we just decided to go ahead and get the test anyway. Well the results are in and everything came back negative. BIG SIGH OF RELIEF! We also heard the heartbeat today. A beautiful 149bmp. I love that sound! That's it for now! Everyone say a little prayer that our little one is not shy on Monday, and if you still haven't cast your vote, you now only have 5 days to do so. Right now it is a tie ball game. Also, if you did vote, because I am super curious to see what you think it is, can you please leave a comment on this post and tell me what you think we are having? I am dying to know everyone's predictions. Still none for me...I am so happy to be where I am right now, I will gladly take what I am given.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Points to the Poll in the upper right hand corner....

Vote...Just do it. It will be fun! Here is the order of questions I am asked on a continual basis.

1. How far along are you?
2. Do you know what you are having?
3. Are you going to find out?
4. Do you have any sort of feeling of what you are having? followed by "when I was pregnant I just knew the baby was a (fill in the blank)
5. Do you have an names picked out?

So here are my answers usually

1. I am currently XX weeks or XX months depending on who is asking. You'd be surprised how many people don't know that women are usually pregnant for 40 weeks and some just like to hear in months. I usually say the weeks first and if I get the blank stare I convert it to months.
2. Nope not yet
3. Heck yes, I am a planner. When they respond with "don't you want it to be a surprise" I say, it is just as much of a surprise at 18-22 weeks than it is at 40. There is a 50/50 chance I am having a boy or girl and I am really not that good at predictions, so yes, it will be a surprise, just around 19 weeks (hopefully!).
4. I have no clue. I must have terrible intuition, because I honestly have no feeling either way and I really don't wish for one over the other. I just want a healthy baby. I will say that if I had a boy this time around, life would be so much easier and there would be a lot less pressure. Since Zig is the last male on his side, we pretty much need a boy to continue on the family name. However, we would be just as happy with a little girl. We wanted a baby for so long, I will take what ever I am given!
5. No names yet. We will have a hard enough time narrowing it down to one name, I don't want to have to pick out both girl names and boy names. We will wait till we know what we are having and go from there.

So that is that! Now go vote!

17 w 3 d

Time is really starting to fly by! I can't believe we are almost half way there! We have our next appointment on Wednesday and I am hoping that we will be able to schedule our big ultrasound for either late next week or the following week. I am ready to start picking out stuff for the nursery!
Yesterday we celebrated Father's Day and Father's Day-to-be with our family. My brother and Rebecca are finally back from Hawaii and it was good to have almost everyone together for a Sunday BBQ. Zig and I had a fun day together preparing all the food for dinner and I made a delicious lemon cake for desert. It is always nice to just get to sit out on the patio and relaxing with family. We are so lucky that we have our parents so close to us and that we get to see them so often. We wouldn't have it any other way! Even though Baby isn't here yet, he/she is so loved already and we are all really looking forward to November when the baby will get to enjoy his/her first of many Sunday night dinners.
We have no belly picture this week. Our camera battery died and I can't for the life of me, find the charger. There is really not that much of a change though. Here is what the baby is up to this week.

"Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints. "
We will have an update from the doctor on Wednesday and hopefully some news about the u/s. For now, I think I am going to create a poll so everyone can guess what they think Baby is. I have no clue how many people read this, but I thought it would be fun! Pass the word along and let's see who is the best at guessing. Here's to 17 weeks down and only 23 to go!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Don't go to any donut chains...Do you understand me?

Hysterical. This is what my husband, who constantly entertains me with his sleep talking, woke me up to tell me last night. Very seriously. I had actually gotten up to go on one of my 4 pee trips during the night and as I was getting back in bed and situating all my pillows to prevent me from rolling onto my back or stomach, he rolled over and told me this. He was very adamant too. "Do you understand?" So I repeated back to him, "yes...Don't go to any donut chains. Right?" His response, "pretty much." He then rolls over and passes out. Dead asleep. I love it. I have gotten to the point where I keep a note pad in my night stand so I can write these little gems down, but sometimes he literally wakes me up from a dead sleep and I am so tired I forget. I am glad I remembered this one. What a silly husband I have.

On another note, guess who should have knocked on wood yesterday. I was bragging about not being sick anymore and sure enough, this morning in the shower, I tossed my cookies big time. It was very sad. I thought I was over this phase. The good news is that it hasn't affected my appetite today. I was still able to eat breakfast and I feel much better now, so that is good. I am actually in Phoenix for the day. It is going to be a VERY long day. I flew out at 7 am this morning and I will get home around 9. I almost missed my flight this morning too. I was literally running. Yes, I was that girl who held the plane up. I was very thankful I wore my illegal flats and brought my rolling laptop bag, because it would have sucked to run that far with all that weight in my lovely 5 inch heels. I miss being tall....

Sunday, June 14, 2009

16 weeks

Today I am officially 16 weeks 3 days. We will probably continue to do picture updates on Saturdays because Zig leaves for work before I am even up and out of bed to take pictures when my week actually turns.
This week was a very busy week work wise, but a good week pregnancy wise. I still eat really small meals, but the number of things that actually sound appetizing are growing and I am experimenting a little more. I have a major sweet tooth, but its good because I can easily satisfy it with fruit. That's the good is where I start my complaining. :) Ever since I went to Phoenix and had to walk that huge rental car place and airport in my high heels my back has been KILLING me, so I am officially wearing flats. If anyone knows where I can find a cute dressy pair of flat open toed shoes that don't go between my toes PLEASE let me know. My work has this dumb policy and I swear these type of shoes don't exist unless I want to look like Jesus (which is not a bad thing Jesus, it's just I don't know that a pair of Jesus sandals will look all that great with dress pants either). I can still fit in my work pants, but apparently since I wear 5 inch heels every day to work, all my pants are miles to long and there is no way I am going to hem them just for the next few months, so I have been trying to find black dressy maternity pants that are short (these also don't exist). Why is it when you aren't pregnant and you accidentally move into the maternity section at Target you find a ton of cute things, but when you are pregnant nothing looks all that great? I can't find dress pants anywhere! Someone should have told me that when you are pregnant in the middle of summer all you are allowed to wear are dresses and capri pants (which by the way, capri's are a no no at work too). I did find some cute black pants at Motherhood maternity last week, but they have to be hemmed (Thanks Mommy for the midget genes you passed on to me and that I will likely pass on to my child). I have just been so swamped at work I haven't taken them to get hemmed. Oh and here is a tip for pregnant people, before you go to Motherhood and pay $30 for a maternity shirt, go to Forever 21 first. I swear, I found a shirt at Motherhood that I purchased about 3 months ago at Forever 21 and I paid about $15 less. Yes, their stuff is cheap, but there is no reason to spend a fortune on clothes these days. Seriously. I went to Forever 21 yesterday and got about 10 shirts that will last me at least through for the next few months and paid maybe $100. And back to the good news again...I found a pair of petite black dress pants at Motherhood yesterday! Woot woot! No more looking homeless with my rolled up pants and illegal black flats (aka dressy flip flops) this week. Now I just need to work on the flats!

OK, no more are some pictures for you guys! Who knew oranges were smaller than avocados. I am guessing it is based on weight this week?

"Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender. "

And here are some belly pics. I don't see much difference. I am going to have to have Zig zoom in a little bit more and start taking the pictures length wise. That may help.

Our next appointment is the 24th and we will schedule our big ultrasound then. I am hoping we get to find out the first week in July. Cross your fingers!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

15w 4d...Holy crap, an orange!

Geez I need to get better at posting these on time! Here is what the baby is up to this week...

"Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements. "

And to humor Zig, we started taking weekly pictures to see how the belly is progressing. I have definately put on some lbs over the last year (ok maybe 2) and my tummy was not near what I would have ever considered flat to begin with, but you get the idea. I took a picture around 6 weeks that I was going to post with these so we could kind of gage growth so far, but it is on my other computer so I will post it next week (on time.) :) This was taken on Saturday so I would have been 15w 1d. I can't believe I am doing this...Don't judge people.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

14 w 4 days

Not a whole lot is new here. I am in Phoenix this week for a few days and it was nice to get to see my sister, Kiki and Chris. In other news, I was pretty stoked to have made it to 14 weeks and to not really need to either buy a size up or have to get maternity, but this week things are getting a little tight. I did wear some comfy maternity jeans in Ireland, but for the most part everything still fit! I was just saying how I didn't really think I looked all that different, but now I can't hold my tummy in anymore. It's like over night I have a massive beer gut. When I get home I will start my pictures. I think it will be fun to see how things move along week to week.

I was also informed that some readers weren't able to comment on my posts. I think I fixed the problem, so comment away all you lurkers!

Anyway, here is up with baby this week

"Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth. "