So Sophia is now almost 20 months and my sweet sweet Emmy is closer to 4! Birthday planning will commence any day now, which is unbelievable. Because I don't want this to be the longest post in history, I will commit this one to an update on Sophia and then Emmy deserves a post of her very own. So here's whats new with Miss Sassy Sophia!
Words: SO MANY WORDS! Sophia has exploded with words, especially over the last month. At her check up the doctor said she should have at least 28 words by the time she is one. Well we counted and she is well over 100. Woot! Some of her most used words are pancake (can cake), berry (blueberry), mine, no, hot (said in a whisper), jump, pinkie pie (one of Emmy's My Little Ponies), Kiki, Nani, drink (dink), hungry, snack (nack), bye-bye, nye-nye, bubble, please (peas), nose (no), thank you, "phia," bird and airplane. The last two she yells any time she sees either a bird or hears an airplane. She babbles a ton and there are some phrases she says over and over that we are still trying to decode. She repeats everything I am really happy with her word progress. I am going to try and put together a comprehensive list so I have it because it's fun to see where she is to date.
Signs: more, all done, please, eat, milk, water, sleep and thank you.
Stats: 12 month tops and bottoms, Size 3 diapers, Size 3 shoes. She weighs 21 lbs 6 oz and is 30 1/4 inches tall at 18 months and is in the 10th percentile for weight and height. She is teenie tiny. It's funny because everyone always says what a chub she is. She is actually smaller than Emmy was at this age. She may be tiny, but she is also a very strong minded little girl.
Things she loves:
- Singing- She sings parts of twinkle, twinkle little star and no more monkeys jumping on the bed. She also sings to the tune of the ABCs.
- Still loves dancing and music. Her favorite song is I Don't Care by Icona Pop. Mother of the year right here.
- books, but she would rather read them to you than the other way around
- Jumping
- Hugging and kissing Emmy. She sure loves her sister and the feeling is mutual.
- Laughing. She is seriously so happy.
- Food- ALL FOOD. She is a great eater. She almost always clears her plate. She also likes to snack, which we are working on. Her favorites are any kind of berry, string cheese, broccoli, and pancakes.
- Sleeping-She still sleeps amazing, although bed time can be tough because she wants to stay up and play. She will whine for about 2 minutes and then will fall asleep for the night. I usually wake her up for school around 7, but on the weekends she will sleep till about 7:30 or so.
- Sophia is very physical. She has no fear, which is so different from Emmy who was our very cautious, verbal child. I would say she is ahead of the game on her fine and gross motor skills. She can climb up the stairs holding onto the wall. She jumps and climbs. She can latch and almost unlatch the straps on her booster seat and depending on the shoe, she is pretty close to putting her shoes on by herself to name a few things.
- We are working on numbers and letters. She says words to the "tune" of our counting or singing the alphabet, but is not super clear yet for me to consider it counting or at getting past C in the alphabet.
- Sophia has really blossomed over the last few months. She is very sweet and super silly. She is very outgoing. Seems to be out of her stranger danger phase and has lots of friends. Her words have exploded. She is a master at throwing tantrums. She does not like to be told no and she is very determined when she sets her mind to something. As she learns to communicate more this will get better, but it's all about her learning boundaries and right from wrong. Because her communication skills are still developing, she gets very frustrated and has been known to pinch and sometimes bite. We are working on that. Overall she is such a sweet baby and so much fun to be around!
What's New: We had lots of firsts this summer, including first time on an airplane, first ice cream cone and ice cream sandwich and first trip to the beach. Other than that, basically everything in our routine is new with the new house. We are finally settled in and loving making this house a home.
The good stuff: