Holy Cow! Where did the last 3 months go! Sophia is almost 15 months old. So crazy. I feel like she has grown a ton over the last few months. Her list of words gets longer by the day. She talks a ton, but a lot of it is chatter with a couple recognizable words here and there. We are so happy to watch her grow at her own pace and see all the things she learns and soaks up from us. She is such a sponge! She'd rather show you what she can do, than have you ask her. So we are constantly surprised with the things she knows. The last 3 months have been amazing. I am ok with my breaks from blogging, because it means that more of my time is spent with my girls.
Words: Mommy, Daddy, thank you, dog, woof woof, more (mo), here go(when handing us something), baby, Bodhi (Bo), Uh oh (most used word ever), shoes, book, Abby, please (peas), Emmy (memmy), night night (nye, nye), meow, kitty, cow, moo, quack quack, bubble, no (no, no, no. Can't be said just once).
Signs: more, all done, please, eat, milk, water, sleep and thank you.
Stats: 12 month tops and bottoms, Size 3 diapers, Size 3 shoes. She weighs 20 lbs 10 oz and is 29 inches tall at 15 months and is in the 15-20 percentile for weight and height.
Things she loves:
- Pat-a-cake and pointing at everything in sight.
- Dancing and music. She is a dancing fool. She especially loves some car dancing.
- Reading a good book
- Yoga
- Climbing up the stairs and very cautiously back down
- Snuggling and kissing her buddies
- Running around. She's getting super fast
- Food: Favorites are string cheese, cut fruit, especially blueberries, mac n cheese, sliced turkey/ham, hot dogs and chicken nuggets.
- Sleeping. She is still an amazing sleeper. Never fusses, just goes right to bed, usually not later than 7:15. On the weekend she will sleep in till about 8. Love her.
What's New:
- Sophia is about a week away from being breast milk free. I can't say enough how happy I am that my experience breast feeding was such an amazing one with her. It was with Emily too, but I produced so much more and was able to offer it to Sophia for much longer. She started transitioning about a month ago by us giving her one sippy cup a day of half whole milk/half breast. She didn't seem to have any problems, so we eventually stopped taking the milk to school and she got a mixture at home and strictly whole at school. It was such an easy process.
- With that we also ditched bottles for good. She was only getting two day till about 13 months and then down to one a day till 13 1/2 months. She gave it up, no problem. Dropping bottles also meant a change in our morning and evening routines and Sophia picked them up seamlessly. She is such an east, go with the flow baby.