I think I mentioned it before, but Miss Stephanie, the woman who has so lovingly cared from both my girls since they were babies, first at Emily's first daycare and then from her home, is expecting a baby of her own shortly after Sophia first birthday. We are so excited for her and cannot wait to meet her new addition.
Over the years, Stephanie has become a great friend. She had done so much for our family and for my kids. She was and always will be a great support system for me and gives the best advice on how to deal with toddlers. ;) She is going to be a great mom and she has decided that once Baby Mackenzie arrives, she is going to stay home and be with her. Over the last few months, Steph got tired, and decided to close the school a little earlier. We had looked at a lot of schools during the transition period and finally settled on a school that we had looked at a few years ago when Emmy was little, before Steph asked us to leave Little Squirrels with her. We were happy they had openings because at Emmy's age, there weren't a lot of spots for preschool aged kids till August.
The girls have been at their new school for 2 weeks now. As expected, bot girls caught a couple bugs. Emmy developed an ear infection and then strep/croup, her favorite combo, last week. We can't wait for their immune systems to build up a bit, but we figured it's either now, or when they start kindergarten. Things are going really well. They both transitioned great! We are so sad that the girls are no longer with Steph and are going to miss all the very personalized crafts and gifts they brought home. Plus the, basically, one on one care they got, but really this was the best decision for Emily. She needed to be around other kids and she needed to learn that she didn't always get her way or come first. So far, so good, but change is hard!
Also in the last month, I switched jobs, which was a HUGE change for me. I was at REDW pretty much since I graduated college 8 1/2 years ago. It was a great company to work for, and had I felt that public accounting was a long term career path for me, I would have stayed there forever, but the fact is, I didn't enjoy what I did. It took me away from my kids. Maybe not always physically, but mentally I was unhappy and it showed. I found a new position, and while it is new, I love it! The culture of the company is great, the work is really interesting, and it will give me opportunities that I may not have had before, like traveling to locations in China, Europe or Japan or auditing a factory in India. I am really excited to grow with the company. What's better is that traveling is optional, but likely impossible to say no too, because of the life experiences I will gain. They are flexible with my schedule and support my family is first mentality. Again, change is hard, but I am so blessed to have been given this opportunity. I really can see myself working for Gap for a long time. Great company, with great values. Even better, I get to wear jeans everyday. It sounds stupid, but you wouldn't believe the impact something so small could have on your moral. In this case, change was so welcome and so good for us!
So these two changes have impacted our routine over the last few weeks, but we have all transitioned good. We are all looking forward to whatever other changes 2013 has in store for us!