This months photo session was a tough one. Soph is the SMILIEST baby on earth, but she just does not trust technology. We have to sneak it up on her. She will be grinning like a fool and then the second you pull out the camera, she is straight faced as can be.
Case in point
She is also entirely too obsessed with her feet and would rather chew on those, than smile for the camera.
We got some pretty funny out takes
And we managed some smiles, though most are not at the camera
This month was a fun one for us! I will try to keep the stats to where she was 2 weeks ago.
- Sophia rolls EVERYWHERE. She is all over the place. You can set her down and 2 seconds later she is across the room.
- She also has mastered a weird caterpillar, army crawl kind of move. She uses this technique to get as close to Emily as possible. She drags her little body over to where ever Emily is.
- To say that she loves Emily is a HUGE understatement. She is OBSESSED with her. She would crawl in Em's skin if she could. She loves to watch Emmy, and just be around her. She smiles constantly at her, laughs and will pull herself to where ever Em is just to be by her side. Poor Emily is smothered by Sophia, but she is such a good girl and is so patient with her.
- She eats 2 oz of a veggie at lunch at school and 2 oz, plus a bowl of cereal for dinner. She loves her veggies. So far she seems to enjoy squash and sweet potatoes the best, but really has liked everything we have offered so far. We are going to try carrots and then some fruits over the next few weeks and then we will start on the more solid solids. I gave her a pizza crust the other night and she was in HEAVEN.
- She can sit up for about 10 seconds before toppling over. Her cheeks kind of gravitate to the floor and she is way to into her feet to be bothered with sitting up.
- She nurses 2-3 times a day and drinks about 2 5oz bottles at school. She sometimes gets a nursing session in, in the middle of the night too. She has cut back on the milk quite a bit, but she is not missing any meals.
- She weighed 15lbs 4 oz when I took her to see the pedi about 2 weeks ago.
- No teeth yet, but lots of signs that they may be right around the corner
- She is still in size 2 diapers, 3-6month clothes.
- Sleep...Oh sleep...She is doing really well. I think she is starting to wake now more out of habit, than necessity, but she only stays up for a very short time and is right back to bed. We are starting to see if we can soothe her by offering a paci and rubbing her back, nursing as a last resort. She is doing much better. If I nurse her before bed she usually will sleep through the night, sometimes waking up around 5, but there are some nights where she gets up at 2 or 3 to chat our ears off.
- She is so happy, and so so easy. We took a couple trips this month and she transitioned amazingly.
- At home she naps in her crib. At school we are working on it, but sleeps great in the swing. She takes 2 naps a day. One shorter one in the morning (about an hour) and one long one in the afternoon (2-3 hours).
- She loves her toys and reaching for anything and everything in sight.
- Her eye is looking so much better. It still gets a little goopy during the day, but not as bad as it had been.
Well, that's all I can think of for now! Here are a couple more pictures from the month.
Please ignore how awful I look in this picture. No make up Sunday. Soph looks to cute not to share!