I can't believe I am so behind on posting these days. To say we are busy is an understatement. I am trying to get all my jobs in a good place either for issuance or an easy transition while I go on leave and Zig is busy working on bids for work. We haven't had time for a whole lot other than work and spending time with Emmy,
I wanted to make sure I documented this little memory before too much time had passed. I give you the story of Emily and her crazy obsession with Vaseline, or as she often calls it "Lips".
As a preface, her obsession is completely, 100% my fault because I too am OBSESSED with Vaseline. Vaseline to me is like Windex to the guy on "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." We have jars of it all over the house, in my night stand, purse, living room, Emily's night stand, pretty much everywhere. It has been the only thing keeping my lips from being SUPER chapped this whole pregnancy and really it's great on dry skin and sensative baby bottoms. I love the stuff.
So after one long emotional day at work, I came home late and Emily was already being tucked in for the night. I was tired, stressed and emotional. Zig read Emily her requested books of the evening, probably sang a few songs on request, made one last trip to the potty and tucked our angel in for the night. Lately because I am so uncomfortable in any position other than laying on my side, as soon as we put Em to bed, we lay down and either watch a show, read or talk. So Zig came to bed and I unloaded on him about my long day. I have also been taking showers at night, because really there is nothing more relaxing than a nice hot shower and going to bed clean, so after we talked for a while, I jumped into the shower. That's when it hit Zig that it was very odd that Emily was so quiet. Since we potty trained Emily, she has turned into a master night time staller. I mean it takes a while for us to get her to bed a night. She requests to go to the bathroom at least 3 or 4 times, and really we can't tell her no because this is what we taught her, to tell us if she had to go. So we oblige, and take her till she stops going when she sits. On this particular night she didn't ask once to go. That's odd. As soon as I got out of the shower, Zig came running in, telling me to grab some towels. At first I thought she had an accident. And then we went into her room, clicked on the lamp and found this:
The once full tub of vaseline
Emily had taken the giant jar of Vaseline I keep in her nightstand out and proceeded to rub it over her entire body. EVERYWHERE. There was not an inch of her skin that was not covered in vaseline. Zig panicked at first. OCD guy does not like messes. I broke down in hysterical laughter. After the day I had, you can't help but laugh at moments like this. Em looked totally freaked. We have no idea what possessed her to do this. Emily never gets into anything. I can leave her alone in her room, or any room in the house and she is fine. When she uses her "lips" she usually opens to jar, puts a small amount on her lips, closes it and moves on with her life. I don't know how it happened, but it did. We threw her in the bath, where she was waterproof, but very well hydrated I may add. The water beaded off her, and her hair...Oh her hair. We washed several times with dish soap (Thank you Google), but that really did nothing. She went to school a little grease monkey. The sheets were washed, the jammies and socks were thrown away. There was no salvation for those. Our savior was letting cornstarch set into her greasy mop for about 20 minutes and washing it about 10 more times the next night.
After the whole ordeal was over, Zig and I laid down for the night and just laughed. That sweet little Emily, after 26 months finally got into something she wasn't supposed too and has left us memory we will never forget.
Every night, she asks to see pictures of "Emmy Basaleen" and we still laugh. Her personality this days is awesome. She tells us funny stories, sings us funny songs, and leaves us with ear to ear smiles every night. We love that child. Vasaline obsession and all.
On another note: Potty training. For the most part we are doing great. Emily has been diaper free during the day for over a month and at night for a few weeks. We had a week of regression with #2, but seem to be back on track. Last week after several accidents (I say several, mostly she was having about one accident a day) we discovered she had a UTI. We are hoping that is what was causing the accidents, but either way, she is doing AMAZING for being one month in. She has only had one night time accident, and that was on Saturday when the UTI was at it's worst and she was so sad. She is doing really well. We are prepared for some regression when the baby comes, but hoping for the best. Emily is so smart, I think she is going to be just fine.