These months are just flying by way to fast. I just can't believe it. Here are some things that Emily is up to this month.
*Emily is crawling everywhere and pulling up onto everything. She is all over the place and into everything, but is still so much fun (Plus it is good exercise for Mommy).
*We are down to 4 6 oz bottles of milk plus solids. She was slowly cutting back the number of oz she would take per bottle at daycare and they were struggling to get 3 3oz bottles in her during the day, so we switched it over to 2 6oz bottles instead. She is doing well drinking more at each sitting now and it isn't such a struggle.
* She is on a pretty good eating schedule. She has a bottle at 7, 10, 3, and 7-7:30. She has yogurt around 10, lunch around 1, and dinner about 6:30.
*Bedtime is 7:30. She is exhausted by this point.
*She added a couple more letter sounds to her vocab this month including T and B. So no she says Dada, Duh, Teh, and baba, or any other random sounds that include these letters. Obviously these aren't words, but they are the beginning of them. Still no M ::sad face::, but she also doesn't seem to be associating baba or dada with her bottle or daddy. Sorry babe.
*We are doing good on the solid front. We have just come to the realization the Emily is not a big eater, but she is still growing fine. She really likes little diced cubes of cheese, puffs, and gold fish. She doesn't seem to mind ground up meats and will pretty much try anything we put in from of her. She is having a good time eating which is what our goal was anyway. She has eaten a whole lot of different things this month too. We really pretty much give her a little bit of what we eat. She has had taco meat with potatoes, some ziti, cheese spaghetti, scrambled egg yolks, toast, plums, pineapple, little bits of lunch meat, zucchini, corn, rice, tortilla. Really a lot of different things. She hates purees, unless it is apple sauce.
* Emily sleeps from 7:30- about 6:45 everyday. Since she has been teething she has been waking up at night a little bit. Her other lateral incisor hasn't broken through yet, but it is looking a little inflamed. She seems most fussy and waking up right around the time teeth are breaking through. We are really hoping to knock the top 4 teeth out at once. Say a little prayer.
*That being said, we have 3 teeth broken through the gums.
*She is in 9 month clothes (6-9), but they are still pretty big on her. I have a feeling she will be in this size for a while.
*We moved her up to size 3 diapers. Size 2 still fit, but we had several boxes of 3 and theyfit her well too, so we just moved up.
*I have no clue how much she weighs. My guess would be about 16-17lbs.
*This child has laser accurate vision. She spied a sugar ant on the carpet across the room and it became her life mission to crawl to it and put in her her mouth.
*EVERYTHING goes in her mouth. Everything. Little pieces of lint you wouldn't imagine she would even see or want to pick up will go in her mouth. Dog toys go in her mouth. SHOES go in her mouth. EVERYTHING goes in her mouth.
*She is developing quite the personality and really testing her limits. She will dangle her sippy cup over the side of her highchair and smile and just wait to see what you are going to do. It's funny because if she starts to get a reaction, she will pull it back up and smile like 'just kidding." It has become a little game at dinner time.
*She shakes her head no all the time, but she does it when she is excited. I think it is hysterical.
*She loves to sleep in a stink bug pose with her little booty in the air.
*She lifts her arms up to you to pick her up and she holds on now when you carry her around. I LOVE this. At daycare, the second I walk in the room, I have to go pick her up or she will get upset. Sometimes I will pick her up and love on her, then try to put her down so I can gather her things. She will hold on to my neck or shirt for dear life. It is really sweet.
*Sometimes, if you are lucky she will give you big wet, slobbery, open mouthed kisses. Sweet and gross at the same time. She loves to give herself kisses though and will do so anytime you put her in front of a mirror, or my mom's fridge. She a little vain.
And here are some pictures of Emily. Her hair is getting long. I need to cut her bangs, becuase I have tried and failed to train them to go off to the side. Maybe if I just let them get a little longer they will.... :)

Who's that hot little mama?

Duh, obviously it is me..

This is boring.

Seriously lady, enough with the pictures or I am going to lose it!

I mean it! Did you think I was joking?!


I am such an angel.

That Abby is one funny chick.

Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy

Look, it's a block.