Be forewarned. This is a
picture less post. I meant to grab the memory card out of the camera on my way to work, but forgot. I promise to get them up tonight or tomorrow morning. So Em is officially a half year old! I think that was the quickest 6 months ever. She continues to change and amaze us every day. My poor little ladybug had her 6 month well check this morning along with shots. :( Here is what she is up to.
*She weighs 15lbs 6 oz and is 25 3/4 inches long. She is in the 25-50 percentile for weight and 50
th for height.
*She can officially sit for long periods of time unassisted.
*She reaches and grabs for everything. She loves to touch our faces, pull our ears, and especially give us fish hooks with her tiny, yet strong little fingers.
*She loves to stand up.
*Her toes are little pinching weapons. If you have her standing on your lap, expect a few toe pinches on your thighs.
*She is a constant chatter box. She says Dada ALL.DAY.LONG. I get it kid. You think your
dada rocks. PS so do I :)
*She eats two solid meals a day. 2tbs cereal for lunch with 1 tbs of a fruit/veggie and 2 tbs at night with a veggie.
*She drinks about 25oz of milk a day. One day she cut back dramatically on her bottles and we can't get any more than 25oz in her a day. The doc said that was fine, just to keep an eye on her growth and that she would really like to see her triple her birth weight by a year. That means she has to gain about 5 1/2 pounds in the next six months. The doc just said to continue to push the solids and see how she does. She may just want to eat like the grown ups a little earlier and as long as she was eating not to worry
*She loves to sit on a blanket in the living room and play with her toys.
*She thinks her jumperoo is the best invention evah! She loves to jump up and down and looks like a little river dancer when she does it.
*She is mostly sleeping through the night. We have a few nights here and there where we have to go in for a few minutes to console her, but it's usually right back down till morning.
*She still sleeps swaddled, but not for long. We are going to have to break it this week, because she started to roll over in her sleep. I woke up on Sunday morning and she was sound asleep on her belly. We only swaddle one arm, so she could lift up her head if she wanted and I am pretty sure she would cry otherwise, but its just not worth the risk. Wish us luck!
*No sign of crawling yet. She just rolls where ever she wants to go. She never stays on her tummy for too long, and will promptly roll to her back if you put her on her stomach.
*She is an amazing napper. She usually takes 2 hour long naps in the am and a a 2 hour nap in the late afternoon.
*She smiles constantly
We were really truly blessed to have such an amazing little girl. She brings so much joy to our lives. We are forever changed and I wouldn't have it any other way. We love her so so much. It has been an amazing 6 months and we are loving life.