And they are all great! Sorry I didn't post any pictures last week. It ended up being a crazy week and sadly my camera is dead, so week 30 pictures are stuck on there till it gets charged again. There really isn't a big difference between 31 weeks and 30 though, so it's not a big deal.
So we got LOTS of good news last week! In non baby related news, I FINALLY passed the CPA exam. Woot woot! It feels so good. I took the ethics exam (I got a 100% by the way) and all my application material has been submitted, so I should be sworn in in November. We are so excited. That is partially to blame for my lack of blog posts. We had to celebrate! So for my meal planning, I only managed to make the chicken drum sticks and the beer butt chicken. Both were really good and not that hard to make! This week, Zig is out of town, so my meals are going to be sporadic decisions based on what I feel like come 6:00. Hopefully we will get back on track next week.
In baby news, we got to see our little girl! Yes she is still a girl. I wasn't getting off that table till I knew for sure. Everything looks good! She is a little small and is only measuring in the 37th percentile, but my doctor is not worried at all. I was a very tiny baby (Zig was not) and she just said that they would only be really concerned if she was in the 10th percentile, so that is a big sigh of relief. At 31 weeks exactly, she weighed 3 lbs. 6 oz. It will be interesting to see how she grows over the next few weeks. Right now she is breech, which is not a huge deal because she still has time to turn. The only worry is there really is not a lot of room in there due to my size, so there is a chance that she may not turn. We will have another u/s in a few weeks to see if she heads down, and if not we will discuss some options. I got the feeling, however that my doctor is not a fan of external versions, she would rather the baby turn naturally and is not a fan of all the risks the version can have. For now, we will just see how things go and in the mean time pray she turns on her own. Other than that, baby and I are really healthy! Great news! Here is the picture we got. She looks a lot like her daddy! It will be really interesting to see what features she takes from each of us!

How far along?: 31w5d, today
Total weight gain: +6
Stretch marks?: Only the lone ranger on my hip that came really early on. It will be my luck that I make it to the end and the whole gang will make its appearance for delivery.
Sleep?:Not too bad. It is getting harder. I still tend to roll on my stomach, but that is getting to be a little uncomfortable. I woke up with my hips hurting yesterday, so I think this is the beginning of the end for sleep.
Best moment this week?:Seeing the baby and getting the news about my test! Oh and my wonderful, thoughtful husband bought me a Kindle for passing my exam. I love it!
Food cravings?:Nothing really. It is kinda funny, because if I say "let's have pizza for dinner" that is suddenly a considered a craving...No I just feel like eating pizza. To me a craving is something that I must have and can't live without. Maybe I am wrong...
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Still in
What I miss: I can't really think of anything that I miss...I guess that is a good thing
What I'm looking forward to: My Shower! It will be nice to catch up with friends and family who haven't seen me in a while, or at all while I have been pregnant.
Total weight gain: +6
Stretch marks?: Only the lone ranger on my hip that came really early on. It will be my luck that I make it to the end and the whole gang will make its appearance for delivery.
Sleep?:Not too bad. It is getting harder. I still tend to roll on my stomach, but that is getting to be a little uncomfortable. I woke up with my hips hurting yesterday, so I think this is the beginning of the end for sleep.
Best moment this week?:Seeing the baby and getting the news about my test! Oh and my wonderful, thoughtful husband bought me a Kindle for passing my exam. I love it!
Food cravings?:Nothing really. It is kinda funny, because if I say "let's have pizza for dinner" that is suddenly a considered a craving...No I just feel like eating pizza. To me a craving is something that I must have and can't live without. Maybe I am wrong...
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Still in
What I miss: I can't really think of anything that I miss...I guess that is a good thing
What I'm looking forward to: My Shower! It will be nice to catch up with friends and family who haven't seen me in a while, or at all while I have been pregnant.
Here are my 31 week pictures. Again, not a big difference from 30 weeks. These are camera phone pics, so the quality isn't great...O'well. I look huge...