Ok, so almost 26, but be comforted in knowing I took my pictures on Saturday, just haven't gotten around to posting them. I went to the doctor this morning. All is going great. Babies HB was 152 and she is very active. The doctor had to move the doppler several times to get the HB reading because baby kept running away. Pretty funny actually. I gained 5 lbs (YIKES) since my last appointment, to which my doctor said "Did you stop exercising?" (Truth is I haven't really been exercising unless you consider my constant walks to the bathroom or kitchen to get food/water. I do plan to start again after I take my test next week.) I then pointed out that I have still only gained 3 lbs. total. She looked back and said that 5 lbs was great then. I do need to watch it a bit. I can't be gaining that much, considering 3 of those pounds were from last week alone! No more cake and cookies!
How far along?: 25 w 5 days.
Total weight gain: +3
Maternity clothes?: Bottoms, with the exception of the glorious day that was Saturday. I did but some maternity tops at BRU last night because they were cute and on sale.
Stretch marks?: Nothing new to report
Sleep?:I got up 3 times last night to go to the bathroom. Not fun. The night before I didn't get up once, but I think it was because I was so EXHAUSTED from getting up at 3:30 am on Monday morning and not being able to fall asleep again till almost 6. Not fun.
Best moment this week?: We got a freaking steal of a deal on our glider. We had a 15% off coupon and the glider rang up with a special 20% off from our rewards card. We ended up getting about $120 off the glider. We bought the glider, 3 shirts for me and an outfit for Emily for about $40 less than we would have, had we bought the glider full price. SCORE!
Total weight gain: +3
Maternity clothes?: Bottoms, with the exception of the glorious day that was Saturday. I did but some maternity tops at BRU last night because they were cute and on sale.
Stretch marks?: Nothing new to report
Sleep?:I got up 3 times last night to go to the bathroom. Not fun. The night before I didn't get up once, but I think it was because I was so EXHAUSTED from getting up at 3:30 am on Monday morning and not being able to fall asleep again till almost 6. Not fun.
Best moment this week?: We got a freaking steal of a deal on our glider. We had a 15% off coupon and the glider rang up with a special 20% off from our rewards card. We ended up getting about $120 off the glider. We bought the glider, 3 shirts for me and an outfit for Emily for about $40 less than we would have, had we bought the glider full price. SCORE!
Food cravings?:Still none, there are times that I think, yum that sounds good, but not 2 minutes later I am over it. I do eat junky food sometimes, but only because it is there, not because I crave it.
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: In, but looking a little weird these days.
What I miss: Sleeping comfortable on my stomach. THIS, again.
What I'm looking forward to: Our glider and high chair getting here. The high chair is in the mail and the glider should get here in 2 weeks. We decided that we were going to buy 1 big item a month from here on out. I bought the highchair because I really liked this one pattern and I was afraid they would run out of stock because I think it is discontinued. I know we won't use it for a while, but it's nice to get something big checked off the list.
Milestones: Only 14.5 weeks to go!
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: In, but looking a little weird these days.
What I miss: Sleeping comfortable on my stomach. THIS, again.
What I'm looking forward to: Our glider and high chair getting here. The high chair is in the mail and the glider should get here in 2 weeks. We decided that we were going to buy 1 big item a month from here on out. I bought the highchair because I really liked this one pattern and I was afraid they would run out of stock because I think it is discontinued. I know we won't use it for a while, but it's nice to get something big checked off the list.
Milestones: Only 14.5 weeks to go!
We hung the letters that Jenn made and the cute lady bugs that Alice made on Sunday. We also got the sign in the mail for above the crib and got that hung. The room is starting to come together. Mom and Robert bought us our mattress and mattress pad and gave it to us on Saturday. Now all we need is to get a frame for the picture my mom gave us and wait for the bedding to get here! I will take pictures once we have the rest of the items done. How very anti climatic!
Here I am 25w1D! My hair looks a little weird. I don't know if it is because Diane needs to fix my layers or if because my camera battery was on the verge of dying so the picture is a little blurry...And yes, these are my jeans in all their buttoned glory! They stayed buttoned for a few hours this day too. Woot woot!